Towards the Development and analysis of Jihadi Model of Strategic Development

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 Student of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran.


The Islamic Revolution in Iran inspired a new culture, and hence, encouraged new modes of conduct and managerial methods within the bureaucratic body, which have since been described as “Jihadi Management”. Despite the vast body of literature dedicated to exploring this phenomenon, a systematic model for analyzing “Jihadi Management” has not yet been proposed. Seeking to fill the aforementioned void, the objective of the present paper is to develop a strategic model for the illustration and analysis of the constituting elements and properties of “Jihadi Model of Management”. In so doing, and in line with applied-developmental research, the modus operandi of this paper is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods _ specifically utilizing Structural Equation Modelling. The population under study comprises of a total of hundred experts, theorists and managers in the field of “Jihadi Development”. The results indicate that the concept of “Jihadi Management” is realized within three main fields of human resources, Institutions and wider society, and thus in turn, reflected within three distinct dimensions; behavioral, structural and contextual. The behavioral dimension is composed of four main properties, i.e. “Jihadi ethics”, “Jihadi action”, “Jihadi thinking” and “Jihadi spirit”. These qualities were shown to be reflected in the behavior of the human resources_ especially the managers_ of the institutions understudy. Furthermore, with regards to the structural dimension of these institutions, the necessary structural organization and structural reforms were demonstrated. Finally, in terms of the contextual dimension, “Jihadi management Process” was respectively defined in relation to economic, political, scientific, socio-cultural and environmental fields, with regard to ecological and empowerment perspective.


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