Classifying Priorities in Scanning National Strategic Environment Using Open-source Intelligence


1 Oil Ministry

2 phd graduate

3 ma


Identifying strategic priorities of the social, technological, economical, ecological, and political environment at the national level could improve the design of the scanning process. furthermore, open-source intelligence along with other sources helps in better detecting weak signals. Using a mixed-method, this article prioritizes the strategic issues in all five aspects of the national environment and ranks the open-source intelligence to improve the accuracy and efficiency of environmental scanning. To this end, extraction of the strategic environment issues has been done and 16 experts evaluated the content validity. Then, data has been gathered from 34 questionnaires from strategic management experts. Data analysis has been done using the Friedman ranking test in SPSS software. The results priorities 43 strategic issues and ranked 13 sources of open intelligence. This research answers some practical questions in the process of scanning the strategic environment at the national level.


  • الف. فارسی

    • پورصادق، ناصر؛ کشتکار، مهران (1395)، محیط‌شناسی در مدیریت استراتژیک، تهران، انتشارات آذرین‌مهر.
    • سرمد، زهره؛ بازرگان، عباس و حجازی، الهه (1394)، روش‌های تحقیق در علوم رفتاری، تهران، نشر آگه.
    • مبینی دهکردی، علی (1390)، معرفی طرح‌ها و مدل‌ها در روش تحقیق آمیخته، راهبرد، 20 (60)، 234-217.
    • مبینی دهکردی، علی؛ حیدری، حامد (1393)، مبانی دانش محیط‌شناسی راهبردی: مفاهیم، تئوری‌ها، فنون و کاربردها، تهران، انتشارات صفار.


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