Explaining the criteria of optimal employing of public military service draftees based on thematic analysis of the Supreme Leader’ Orders

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of National Security Studies, Supreme National Defense University, Armed Forces Headquarters, General Staff of the Armed Forces of IRI, Elite Foundation

2 Assistant professor of Marketing Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Gonabad,


The Public military service has many functions in the defensive, security, political, economic, cultural and social fields. However, due to recent changes in recent years, such as increasing the level of education and ability of draftees, it is necessary to change the way soldiers are employed. Therefore, in this study, criteria and indicators of soldiers’ optimal employing were explained, using thematic analysis of statements of the Supreme Leader. Based on the analysis, the criteria for the optimal employing of soldiers are: employing in accordance with the actual needs of the armed forces; employing in accordance with the soldiers' education and specialty; employing to the requirements of time; employing in accordance with the dignity of the soldier; employing in accordance with The conditions of special draftees (elite, married, basiji, etc.); the necessary employing in non-defensive fields and the qualitative employing of soldiers. The optimal employing of soldiers is the proper and qualitative use of soldiers, primarily, based on missions and actual needs of the armed forces, secondarily, in line with education, capabilities, skills and expertise of soldiers; so that, in addition to providing security and defense needs, other needs of the country in the fields of non-defensive are solved as much as possible. By proper employing of soldiers, the necessary conditions for the religious and moral education of faithful and efficient youth have been provided, and the soldiers also feel helpful, self-esteem and lack of sense of wasting time and life.


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