The structure is one of the most important dimensions of the administrative system in each country, which describes the configuration and context of how the work, relationships, authority and organizational responsibilities at the national level are accomplished. The structure of the administrative system is influenced by several factors, some of which, in the form of superstructures, lead to the formation of trends within this system. The quality of the alignnig these trends in the form of appropriate strategies is the main issue of this research. The purpose of the study was applied and data were collected by descriptive-survey method through survey and questionnaire. The study population consisted of 49 experts from the administrative system who completed the designed questionnaires. In the qualitative part of the research, eleven experts participated in the process of coding and prioritizing the trends. Prioritizing quadratic strategies is done through a quantitative strategic planning matrix and analyzing the impact of drivers on strategies. According to the results of the research, the priority is to adopt strategies that can be indexed by the administrative system, so that these indicators can analyze the ultra organization functions of the administrative system.
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A. nosrati, "Designing reengineering strategies for the structure of the administrative system in reliance with alignment of trends and drivers," Quarterly Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 10 39 (2020): 330-301,
nosrati, A. Designing reengineering strategies for the structure of the administrative system in reliance with alignment of trends and drivers. Quarterly Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 2020; 10(39): 330-301.