Comprehensive framework for strategy implementation tools

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Business Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran

2 PhD. Student of Business Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran


In the recent decades, management tools have become an integral part of managers' lives. Meanwhile, the evolution of strategic management field has proven a shift from simple concepts, such as formulation of practical guidelines for managers, toward complex and abstract concepts, which has in turn increased the variety of tools in formulation and implementation fields of strategy. The purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive framework for strategy implementation tools. 78 articles were selected using qualitative research method, researches review in scientific databases, and systematic review method and 43 articles were selected using screening. Finally 58 tools of strategy implementation drawn from literature review were specified as a comprehensive and integrated framework in the form of a three dimensional model (content, context, process). Content tools for strategy implementation are introduced in three areas of problem management (rational and real dimension), perceptions and beliefs management (normative and cultural dimension), and power and politics management (interpersonal and behavioral dimension). Context tools for strategy implementation are provided in three areas of internal and external focused view and the relationship between the organization's internal and external environment. Finally, process tools for strategy implementation are introduced in two areas of permanent systematic processes and temporary project processes.


  • - فارسی

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