Reengineering Model of University Educational Processes (Lean Approach): Design and Validate

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Director of Graduate Education, University Education

2 Head of Department

3 Assistant Professor of Education

4 International Affairs Adviser to the University


The purpose of this paper is to design and validate the reengineering model of university educational processes based on lean organization requirements using a mixed exploratory research approach. In the qualitative section, the statistical population consisted of experts and educational process executives of the university in which 18 persons were purposefully selected and interviewed in a semi-structured manner. Following, Thematic (Theme) Analysis Technique has been applied to analyze the data. To ensure the validity of the research, the interviewers' inquiry approach has been used through a multidimensional perspective of the data sources; to calculate the reliability of the performed coding, the "test-retest" and "intrasubject validity"(Agreement between two coders) methods have been exploited. Qualitative data analysis showed that 47 descriptive codes (organizer themes) were identified that eventually led to 7 major themes (inclusive themes) including university macro curriculum development processes, university qualitative and quantitative curriculum development, recognition, assimilation, selection, recruitment, enrollment of students, teaching and learning, supervision and ensuring the quality of teaching/learning, and the alumni process and communicating alumni. In the quantitative part of the study, content validity (CVR) and (CVI) methods were used to validate the model. To verify the validity of the construct test (confirmatory factor analysis), path analysis and LISREL statistical software has been used. The results showed that each one of the dimensions and components that constitute the reengineering model of university educational processes based on the requirements of the lean organization is well validated.


  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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