A Paradigmatic Model of Constructive Jihad based on the Discourse of Velayat-e-Faqih, the Constitution, and the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Organization of forests, rangelands and Watershed

2 Assistant Professor of Higher National Defense University

3 Researcher at Higher National Defense University


Constructive Jihad was one of the institutions emerged from the Islamic Revolution that during its organizational life had many impacts on the development and improvement of the villages, as well as the imposed war. As the administrative dimensions of this institution have not been presented in the form of a systematic model based on the discourse of Velayat-e-Faqih, the Constitution, and the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the need for a scientific pattern to use the achievements of this institution, the present study has been conducted to achieve a paradigmatic model of constructive Jihad. This is a qualitative, applied and developmental research which has been carried out using Grounded Theory. In the paradigmatic model of Constructive Jihad, the causal terms include Islamic worldview, the discourse of Velayat-e-Faqih and the related constitutional principles and provisions; and its central category consists of doctrine and policies. Following, the strategies are defined in six categories as: planning, organizing, directing and leading, coordinating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating. Contextual conditions consist of public claims and demands, popular participation, Jihadi spirit, immaterial motivation, unity and empathy between people and authorities. Also, hindering conditions include not having Jihadi attitude, non-dynamic, dysfunctional and efficient structures, and conflicting laws and regulations. Consequently, implementing these strategies will promote the reinforcement of pure Mohammadi Islam, the spreading of social justice, the growth of morality and spirituality, development of villages, self-sufficiency and poverty alleviation.


  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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