Meta-analysis of Entrepreneurial Policy Studies in Iran: Past Experiences and Future Perspectives

Document Type : Research Paper


management, faculty of humanities, gonbad kavous university


In recent decades, entrepreneurship has been considered a determinant variable by policymakers. As a result, research activities in the field of entrepreneurship policy are also increased by researchers and policymakers. Researchers' attention to entrepreneurship policy has shown the growth of scientific efforts in this field. In this situation, paying attention to the performance of the science and research in the field of entrepreneurship policy and quality of the research conducted in this area is the concern of the present research. The aim of this study is to identify the dominant trend and content of entrepreneurship policy research, evaluate methodologies and propose the perspectives for improving research in this field. To achieve these goals, all articles published in the field of entrepreneurship policy in our country were analyzed using six steps meta-analysis method. The research findings are summarized in three sections which include general outline of previous research, methodological analysis and policy research findings. Finally, guidelines and recommendations were provided.


  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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